Sunday, November 2, 2008

The new rules

*I am alone, but not lonely. I am OK with this, if for some odd reason you have a problem with it, then fuck off!
*I am an extrememly nice person, but I will not be manipulated, so don't even try.
*"No" means exactly that. There should be no further explanation needed.
*I exist not for your amusement, pleasure or any other twisted idea you may have in your fucked up little head. My purpose in life changes every day, you should be so lucky as to be included in it.
*Yes, I only depend on myself, because I have learned throughout my life that the only other person I could depend on is no longer alive.
*I don't need your approval, so don't psychoanalyze me. Accept it and go on... if you can't, then clearly, I'm not your kinda girl.

These are just a few truths I finally let manifest somewhere outside of my head. After another horrible experience with a horrible person yesterday, I am determined to continue on my own path undeterred by the opinions of others.
Am I ranting... YES! Do I deserve to.... YES! I just needed to get this out so that I can let it go and pursue a zen existence for the remainder of the day.


Anonymous said...

Those are excellent rules, if a little scarey. Sometimes its good to be very big. I hope it worked and you got some zzzennn time in.

La Lunatique said...

Stand strong sister and sing it from the mountaintop!
Brilliant rules