Friday, September 18, 2009


It's late, sleep eluding me once again. I'll soon be in the Ambien haze so who know's where that may lead. There have been a lot of things, difficult ones, going on in my life over the past months so I've run the gamut of emotion and back again and thus far have landed at frustration. This leads me to my point, or the one I'd like to eventually make.
I was driving down the street in a half dreamstate and noticed a church called Restoration Something-or-Other. It was the word "restoration" that actually caught my eye and then promptly pissed me off. Immediately I felt that by putting the idea of a place for people to go to be restored (somewhat like a classic hotrod), implyed that all who enter that building must be broken. I don't buy into organized religion anyway, but sometimes the names of these places really make me think. This one about the precept of beng a broken person who requires someone to "fix" or "restore" them. My question is, "What is it that we need to be restored to?"
I don't choose to see people as broken. I think we are unique, beautiful and tragic, all in our own ways but learn to integrate that into our everyday existence. What really lies at the end of the restoration path? A place where we can all so closely relate that we become difficult to tell apart from each other? No one travels the same path and on certain days each individuals path may change a multitude of times. Don't let anyone ever convince you that you are broken or in need of restoration. Be wonderfully, beautifuly, tragically you everyday. Follow your path with your eyes open and learn from anything you can along the way. Be your own answer.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous advice. No-one is broken, that's true.

Queen of the Universe said...

i keep trying to learn what i supposed too but damn its hard...

psychobillygirl said...

yeah, me too. idealism 1, determination 0. maybe my next life will be a little more user friendly....

Anonymous said...

The best to way learn is to play. That is how children do it.