Sunday, June 29, 2008

Idiots in kids clothing

I'm pretty difficult to offend. As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I heard someone say something that actually made me cringe...
Well, it happened yesterday. I was getting out of my car in the Target parking lot and for whatever reason, I noticed a couple of boys that looked to be 16 or 17 years of age getting out of the car near me. Probably because they were being obnoxiously loud. At that age, I just chalk it up to being a kid. I went on my merry way into the store and was perusing through the dollar section, you know the one near the door that has all this semi-useful stuff at really great prices??? Anyway, I was browsing when I heard, not saw the same boys, coming into the store. I wasn't paying too much attention until one of them decided they needed to loudly announce that they were in the store by calling someone, I never figured out who, an intensely derogatory racial slur. The racial slur to beat all others and the one that makes my skin crawl...
I swear, I almost lost it. Who are these ignorant little people and where does this sense of entitlement that they apparently feel come from??? Kids like this, and sometimes their parents (I mean they had to learn it somewhere) are one of the reasons that people tend to jump to conclusions when they see anyone who doesn't look just like themselves. On closer inspection, I noticed that the guys both had shaved heads and some incredibly bad tattoos on their arms that appeared to be of a "hate" nature.
I would have not ever noticed this about the boys except that I was so incredibly angry that staring at them and giving the evil eye gave me ample opportunity to observe these things.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a big fan of being yourself, being an individual and by all means if you want to have an alternative look, then that's totally rad. Then I remember back to my little brother being in high school. He has ALWAYS kept his head shaved because he has incredibly curly hair, which he hates... Unfortunately, some of his classmates decided that made him a skinhead which is ridiculous because he is one of the most colorblind people I know.
There's me. When I walk out of the house I sometimes feel like I am conducting a real-time sociology experiment. I have numerous tattoos, most of which cannot be seen unless I'm wearing summer clothes. I intend to add a lot more and change this fact soon. And I have a couple of facial piercings. Nothing too noticeable on a daily basis because I am a Physician Assistant and I work with the geriatric population, so I have to maintain a sense of a professional appearance.
I guess , getting back to the point, that not only were these teenagers making asses out of themselves and being hateful, they were also giving people another reason to look at those around them and judge others for their physical differences.
One of my favorite songs says:
So I don't give into the common trends
Is that something I have to defend?
Who made you my judge and juror?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is incredibly annoying but there's not much you can do about. Don't let it ruin your day. I find myself swearing in my head at dickheads like that a lot. You're getting more ink? What are you gonna get? Please post photos, I love good ink.