Sunday, July 6, 2008

Testing...1....2...anybody in there???

Tomorrow is THE DAY. The one that determines whether or not I really retained any of the information that was forced down my throat at the speed of light over the past few years. Will I make the cut? I certainly hope so...
I have to be somewhere in Hurst at 8 AM in the morning (an ungodly hour, if you ask me)to sit in a cubicle and stare at a computer screen for 6 hours. I'm not so sure if it's a test of knowledge or sheer will and stamina, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I've alway despised standardized testing of any kind, because even at this level, they're more about your ability to play the game as opposed to testament of your actual knowledge. Thankfully, this is the last academic hoop I'll have to jump through for a while.
I'm out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, welcome back if you've already gone, I came as soon as I could to see you waving on the train. I'ld wish you luck but you won't need it cos whatever they are testing for you've got plenty. Don't forget to tell us how it goes. Woohoo,